In an effort to cover every possible aspect of product mobiles ad nauseam, today we've got a look at an extra benefit of running into these wacky roadsters.
The tiny hoard of Little Debbie Cupcake Cars spread the word about the new product to cupcake enthusiasts and their tour culminated in a car giveaway sweepstakes. Those of us that didn't win one of the tiny rides weren't left empty handed however. We all got a coupon for a free box of cupcakes.
A run in with the Dairy Queen Blizzardmobile will not only get you a free Blizzard on the spot, but also a coupon for a discounted future treat.
If that little insight wasn't thrilling enough for you then stay tuned for our 12 part series on product mobile mudflaps!! (No, we're not running out of material... Surely not...)
The tiny hoard of Little Debbie Cupcake Cars spread the word about the new product to cupcake enthusiasts and their tour culminated in a car giveaway sweepstakes. Those of us that didn't win one of the tiny rides weren't left empty handed however. We all got a coupon for a free box of cupcakes.

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